OSMF Plugin to Save Video Playback Position

In a previous post we wrote about the options to save video playback breakpoint. To our mind, the most efficient technology is sockets-based. In this article, we’ll show it to you in more detail. You’ll know how to create and run a plug-in for the existing OSMF player in order to send the current position to the server. You can download the plug-in with its source code and examples from our website labs.denivip.ru. Continue reading

Flash Media Server: URLs tokenization

This post continues a series of in-depth overviews on the development of Flash Media Server C + + plugins implementing a custom logic to handle user content delivery requests. Here we will discuss the RTMP URL based content tokenization. It uses an authorization plugin enabling content delivery with dynamically rather than statically generated links. This authorization plugin is often requested by video content copyright holders. Continue reading

Web-Based Video Publishing

As the popularity of multimedia content is growing explosively, the companies are more inclined to put such content at their Web resources. This article will brief you on the main approaches to multimedia publishing and provide details on how to configure your own video content delivery infrastructure. Most probably, you have already found yourself in a situation when you needed to publish conference materials or a managerial speech addressed to your employees or customers, on your site. Continue reading

HTTP Dynamic Streaming: Configuring Web Server Cluster

Video content is now ubiquitous on the Web, but sometimes user experience leaves much to be desired. We have already discussed here enabling high performance configurations to deliver video content based on Adobe Flash Media Server. Still, sometimes HTTP delivery is more efficient. In this article, we would like to give you an overview of how to build a high performance video delivery system based on NGINX and Apache Web servers. Continue reading

TechCrunch Moscow 2010: The Bottom Line

TechCrunch safely landed in Moscow.

Recently, Russia’s first TechCrunch event was held in Moscow. TechCrunch is a seminal business venue dedicated to Web based businesses and startups. The event was held in Russia’s first private tech incubator, Digital October, located in the former Krasny Oktyabr (“Red October”) factory building. Not neglected by the Russian governmental authorities, TechCrunch was held up to the global standards. Online video broadcast of all interviews and speeches was delivered. Here I would like to dwell upon the most interesting and memorable of them.
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Hot trends in Web Multimedia

In the rapidly growing online industry, multimedia content is really skyrocketing. As content consumption grows on the Web, more content is published at a variety of online resources. Web media technologies are constantly improved to generate more content (e.g., new P2P and security tools are emerging) and to attract new publishers, previously unaware or uninterested in online presence. This article, we will address major current trends in the multimedia industry.
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8 Hot Online Advertising Trends

Today’s online advertising market has been mostly developed. It consolidates many players and operates large money flows. It generates most of the profits of many Internet companies including largest ones like Google and Yahoo. But its growth potential is still very big because of currently happening shift of audiences from legacy media to the net that we are seeing now. And advertisers follow their audience. Online advertising technologies are constantly moving also. All these things that changed the way we interact with the web recently, social networks, smartphones, online video, impact Internet advertising too. New more effective ways to deliver marketing message appear and force out of the market old methods and their followers. In this article we will try to go deeper into these trends.

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Online Advertising Ecosystem

The Internet advertising market actively grows and develops. New opportunities and niches are constantly arising in it. Publishing ads on the web today usually involves much more than just a direct agreement between an advertiser and a publisher. To extract the most value out of the large diversity of additional services that are available on the advertising market you must work with other market players who specialize in helping you to promote your products and services in the most effective way. In this article we will try to classify them.

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Analytics is now video, social and web

This presentation about three directions of web analytics evolution is made with Acrobat.com.
Web analytics is very old “must be” part of almost all online projects. But still often web analytics usage lacks of business understanding and stays only for technical pageview tracking. In case of wise approach web analytics could be your strong advisor in the ocean of noise. It requires some actions from you, at least to determine your goals and metrics for success in online business even if you are not in eCommerce.
Video analytics – new direction of web analytics. It started beacuse of very rapid growth of online multimedia consumption in Internet. Visitors consume more and more content, and its analysis become more and more important as multimedia begins to be the main media of visitors interaction.
Social analytics – Internet is becoming the most important marketing channel. Effective products and services promotion is impossible about wise Internet channel strategy. And good performance in Internet is impossible without Socail Media taking into account.
We will be glad to work with you about your online business optimization.