Together Video Camera – movies production on the go

Together Video

Share your story with Together

Together is an innovative storytelling platform centered around you and your social environment, both physical and digital.

Motivated by the belief that the way in which we manage our media has resulted in endless lots of scattered photos and videos, Together is a complete video camera application for iOS and Android designed to let the user organize their digital media, and create and share new content via a sophisticated, yet intuitive user interface.

Together is a standalone application allowing the user to consolidate all of their visual media. Users can import existing photos and videos, create new ones, edit their content by adding a soundtrack, and share their content, even as they shoot it.

While video content continues to be one of the most-shared forms of media online, the core purpose of video creation has been lost, and with it, so too has the ability to easily access and share moments with one another. Together was created to target what the Together team believed to be a fundamental problem with user generated mobile videos, in that existing methods failed to bridge the gap between simplicity and ease of use, and a professional, beautiful result.

As well as its practical benefits, Together embodies the true spirit of storytelling, and the joy in shared experiences.

As Together founder, Denis Bulichenko, explains:
“As a keen traveller, I often found myself wanting to both capture and share my own personal story of each city or country I visited – simply recounting my tale left important impressions to the wayside, something significant kept being lost in translation. I eventually decided that the engaging nature of the moving visual medium meant that video would be the best format to share my stories. So, the idea of Together was born. Since then, I’ve found myself capturing memories everywhere I go, and I’m thrilled that friends and family have been keen to share their own visual epics with me too.”


Intelligent Management
Compiles digital media debris into effortless, easy-to-navigate albums according to location, date and title data. Never get lost in your camera roll again.

Soundtrack Feature
Allows the user to import music from their device and soundtrack their movies with a tap of their finger.

Cloud Storage
New video content can easily be saved to the cloud so users need never worry about running out of internal memory. Life doesn’t stop for space, and neither should capturing it.
Similarly, content may be accessed from multiple devices so loss of a smartphone needn’t mean the loss of digital content.

Together is, at its heart, a storytelling app, allowing users to share their own crafted epics with their entire social environment. Videos can be uploaded to Youtube, shared or streamed to Facebook and Twitter, embedded into blogs, and more, in a matter of seconds to keep people connected in their creativity.

Together was created by a sharp team of 12 talented and experienced engineers, all of whom have been involved in the development of superior video services across the Russian continent for a number of years, having worked on NOW, NTV+, OLL.TV and Zoomby. They are based in Moscow, Russia and have recently released their new app side-project, PhotoSuerte, a unique anonymous photo chat service, for free. They hope to begin a new era of storytelling that takes the visual medium as its platform and allows people to share their stories in a truly immersive way.

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