Analytics is now video, social and web

This presentation about three directions of web analytics evolution is made with
Web analytics is very old “must be” part of almost all online projects. But still often web analytics usage lacks of business understanding and stays only for technical pageview tracking. In case of wise approach web analytics could be your strong advisor in the ocean of noise. It requires some actions from you, at least to determine your goals and metrics for success in online business even if you are not in eCommerce.
Video analytics – new direction of web analytics. It started beacuse of very rapid growth of online multimedia consumption in Internet. Visitors consume more and more content, and its analysis become more and more important as multimedia begins to be the main media of visitors interaction.
Social analytics – Internet is becoming the most important marketing channel. Effective products and services promotion is impossible about wise Internet channel strategy. And good performance in Internet is impossible without Socail Media taking into account.
We will be glad to work with you about your online business optimization.